Oracle of Consciousness

#97 - Quality of

blue sky with stars during night time

Photo by Matt Wang on Unsplash

Photo by Matt Wang on Unsplash

Happiness and the pursuit thereof.

As we journey along playing the game of life, co-creating as an equal spoke within the great wheel of life, we can choose to become a:




If we are aware of activities that result in happiness, which is our birthright, then we can make a conscious choice as to what will lead us to this display and state of of mind.

Happiness can arise spontaneously, or it can be created and as co-creators, we're in the driving seat.

One of the ways to bring about our happiness, that cheerful experience of pleasure and contentment, is to determine the quality of the experience that we're having at any given time.

person on forest

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

person on forest

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

person on forest

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

We can ask ourselves:
"What is the quality of this experience"?

"This book I'm reading"?

"This movie I'm watching"?

"This activity I'm engaged in"?

"This meal I am eating"?

"This conversation I am having"?

"This group I belong to"?

Make it a habit to check in with yourself:

"What is the quality of this experience?"

If it's a very high quality, very resonant, beautiful, enjoyable quality, then you can pursue that more.

If it is of a lesser quality, that doesn't resonate with you, then it's a good idea to cease doing that, to move away from it, to stop reading that book, stop engaging in that activity, whether it be a conversation, sport, or piece of art, whatever is taking place in this moment, or in our lives at this time.

There always two sides to the coin and you have the free will to choose.

Without neglecting your inner journey, and its sometimes challenging discomfort, balance that with pursuing the activities that give you the end result of happiness.

And this balance will lead you to an extraordinary, richly rewarding and happy life.

You deserve it.

It is your birthright!

Love is highest quality experience you can have in your life.

Dwell in that!